Tag Archives | Luciphage

Luciphage the Starbreaker is the adult-form of a Sun Eater. He is a powerful energy vampire who made his first appearance in Justice League of America #96. His daughter is Countess Belzebeth of the Blackstars.

Deep Dive: The Green Lantern Issue 4 (2018)

And we’re back with the fourth issue of Grant Morrison and Liam Sharp’s cosmic epic The Green Lantern. This is another exciting issue which provides background on where the Blackstars located the Anti-Matter Lantern, gives us more insight into the mysterious Commander of the Blackstars, Countess Belzebeth, and pits the Corps against Sun-Eaters.

Cover of The Green Lantern 4
Liam Sharp’s cover for The Green Lantern #4

Here’s where you can find my previous The Green Lantern Deep Dives:

And away we go…

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