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When I arrived in the Bay Area in February of 2013 I was impressed by the number of opportunities for fans of comics. However, I was frustrated that there didn’t seem to be a central repository for comic fans to learn what’s happening in the area. The purpose of The Shared Universe was thrice-fold. One, to be that space for Bay Area comic book fans seeing information. Two, to support our comics community and hopefully drive much-needed dollars to our comic store proprietors. Three, provide me with a space to occasionally blog about comic stuff (and other tangentially related stuff and things).

Unfortunately, as it often is with hobby blogs, as circumstances in my life changed so did my ability to update this blog. It isn’t as consistent as it was when I first fired it up, but I’m still here (hi! I’m writing this in April of 2017) and doing what I can to support our community.

-Jesse Russell

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