Tag Archives | Keli Quintela

The newest person to carry a Green Lantern ring is “Teen Lantern.” She made her first appearance in Young Justice, Vol. 3, #1 and we finally learned her backstory in issue #6.  She’s an 11-year-old from La Paz, Bolivia named Keli Quintela. She hacked into a Green Lantern Power Battery, fed it into a device she built, and uses it to do what she wants.

Who Are Earth’s Green Lanterns?

In the official canon, Earth has eight members of the Green Lantern Corps. Even for a seasoned comic fan, it can all get confusing. Now consider a new comic fan who’ll likely discover the Green Lantern Corps sometime in the next two years through the very probable introduction in the DCEU, as part of the Arrowverse or possibly a separate HBOMax show (and not to mention anyone who stumbles upon Ryan Reynolds in 2011’s Green Lantern film).

Earth's Green Lanterns

This is an attempt to clear up some of that confusion around the Earth’s Green Lanterns. The most recent update was on February 14, 2021. Due to the events in Future State, I have moved Sojourner Mullein into the official canon.

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